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Each of us must have its own answer to the question. This may be the school, it may be at work, or in the Parliament building or wherever. If at the church funny photos thought it was your idea might be in the kerkantoor. And if you think about religion? About spiritual growth?
What would be your answer. The church, Sunday school, cell groups, at the fairground. Of course, funny photos all of those places, places funny photos where growth is taking place, but a place, a place where everything is happening ...... .. in our homes. Not necessarily between those walls, but in our family, as a family together. It is a place where our children can really see and learn what it means to be a child of God.
I believe perhaps each of us want the best for our children, and if you sit here, I believe that you would want your child to grow up as a person who loves the Lord and follow Him. But today I want to share a secret comes learning. If you think the church funny photos that you do then you are sadly mistaken. Yes we can help, so we want to help, but if you do for your children is an example, if you do not they live as you would want them to live, chances are much, much smaller that one day they will .
The first step is that God be truly the foundation of our families. Our children can not know God as they only have one or two hours a week here to do at the church with him. God wants to infiltrate your home, he should funny photos be the builder, the engineer and designer of your home.
But we have become a society download. funny photos If we want our children to learn, then we load them off to school. funny photos If we want them to play rugby or cricket, piano or dance or whatever then we load them down on the verskillene places and if we want our children to be Christians, then we load them, sometimes, at the church. But the church can not do it for you. Your children need to see God you time and money management, they have to see how God changes your behavior towards funny photos those around you. They also need to see how you serve God in society.
The second way in which we, our children can help to be God's children by knowing and it is for them to make clear that God protects us and cares for us. It is not easy, especially, I think, not for men. It is now my job as a man and as a father to take care of my wife and my kids, but again and again we read in the Bible that God says He does. Matthew funny photos 6: 25-27
25 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body than raiment? 26 Look at the birds of the air: for they sow not, they do not harvest and do not, nor gather into barns; funny photos yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable funny photos than they? 27 Who of you by worrying can add to his life by a few hours? 28 And why do you worry about clothes? Notice how the growth veldlelies: they toil not, they do not make clothes. 29 But I tell you, even Solomon was not dressed like one of them in all its splendor. 30 If God clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is burned, so decorate, how much more will he not unto you, O you of little faith?
Are your children that they are not an accident was? Are your children that God has given you to them, and to give you a blessing? You let your children know that you are thankful every day that the Lord has given you, so if you feel yourself sometimes as if they are going to make you even off of your head. You make it clear to them that the Lord has blessed you with them. Though there is no one else in the world that can make so angry or so to work as they do on your nerves. If they know you love them, do not care what, then they will understand that God is so much more love, but if they can not even see your love how will they ever see God's love?
Here I talk more than with parents. You may feel that your time has not come for a parent to be, or that your time might be gone, because your children are grown up. This is mainly the parents' job to live for their children, but they can not do it alone, they have our help, we need support. Each of us whether we have children or not have a responsibility to the next generation. It is a task and a privilege. I am not saying you must understand, no one can, but you can be there, funny photos you can be an example. You can help.
Deuteronomy 6 6 "These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7 You need to impress them with your children and talk to them about it if you are in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise. 8 You shall keep it a sign of remembrance of blue on your hands, and it should be a mark on your forehead. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your s