Monday, March 3, 2014

To resolve photo collage this issue, configure the widget Lightbox, which enables you to embed imag

Sometimes, the page is necessary to place a large amount of information, not only text, but also in the form of pictures, videos etc. And if you insert a page in their normal size, the site will be cumbersome photo collage and uncomfortable.
To resolve photo collage this issue, configure the widget Lightbox, which enables you to embed images in a reduced form. As for the other files, they will be shown on the page as a reference. When you click on the picture or the link they will be opened in a popup window.
What good this widget can display the pop-up photo collage window images, videos, code HTML, frames, AJAX content and SWF. Supports Video: YouTube, Vimeo, MP4 (H.264), WebM and FLV formats. Groups multiple popups in a gallery, while in the group may have different types of content. Supports download other widgets to lightbox. Has 3 kinds of transitions for the widget. The latest version of jQuery. How to configure Lightbox?
In component Widgetkit, you will see the settings Lightbox. Let's take a closer look at them: Enable (Enable) - Lightbox includes loading on the site. Title of position (Title Position) - option establishes a position that will display the name: float - will not be shown; outside - location of the inscription outside pop-up window; inside - inside the window; over - is the name of the widget. Animation when a picture (Transition In): fade - opens smoothly; elastic - transition occurs with the effect of zooming; photo collage none - without transition. Thumbnail displayed instantly. Transitional period of (Transition Out) - setting that, at what point would account for the appearance of the widget that period. Show background shading (Show Overlay) - option to enable / disable the following two options. photo collage Color darkened background (Overlay Color) - background color when opening miniatures. Background transparency (Overlay Opacity) - option through which you can set the transparency of the background. photo collage Selector (Selector) - selector jQuery (or CSS), with which tags will be selected on the page to initialize the Insert Image Lightbox Lightbox anywhere content
To do this you need to add this code in the attributes you need to register the following: data-lightbox - initialization parameters for the lightbox, such as group: mygroup2. href - the path to the image popup. src - path to the thumbnails. photo collage alt - the title of the window that will see visitors. <p class="php"> <a data-lightbox="group:mygroup2" href="/images/1.jpg"> <img src = "/ images / catt.jpg" alt = "Manager Lightbox" width = "160" height = "96" /> </ a> </ p>
Prescribe in the code of your page where you want to paste the video line. specified below, which introduces full address links page and window photo collage title <p class="php"> <a data-lightbox = "group: photo collage mygroup2" href = " -uHQna0 "title =" YouTube Video "> YouTube </ a> </ p>
So this format will look like in code <p class="php"> <a data-lightbox = "group: mygroup2" href = "" title = "MP4 (h.264) "> MP4 (h.264) </ a> </ p> SWF
File SWF - flash-animation created using Adobe Flash or other programs for the development of flash-applications. Example code for this format <p class="php"> <a data-lightbox = "group: mygroup2" href = "" title = "Flash Swf"> Swf </ a> </ p> Inline
In the href attributes id and registers the same with the only difference being that in the first href always put a pound sign. Next tag <p> can write text to be displayed in a popup window. If you need to insert text from another site, you can copy the entire link address of the desired page and paste it into an attribute href.
Thus, the code to insert the following: <p class="php"> <a data-lightbox="group:mygroup2" href="#inline" title="Uznavayte only nas!"> Inline photo collage </ a> </ p> <div id="inline"> <h2> Reflection from the past </ h2> <div style="font-weight: bold;"> Title </ div> <p> <img src = "/ images / catt . jpg "alt =" photo collage Manager Lightbox "width =" 160 "height =" 96 "/> </ p> <div> substance, an adiabatic change of parameters attracts atom - all further far is beyond the scope of this study and will not be considered. </ Div> </ div>
It allows insertion

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