Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Just download the previous version of MX player 1.7.32 as Apk file. Here's png the link http://www.a

AC3 codec for MX Player
Since the latest MX Player upgrade, AC3 is not included because of some licensing issues. How can I add a codec to MX player? I did search the play store, but all codecs seem to be connected to a specific player.
I don't think you can. The "codec" plugins for MX Player are only optimized versions of the built-in codecs, for particular hardware. If MX won't pay the patent fees to include AC3, they can't ship it at all, whether built-in or as a plugin. –  Dan Hulme Nov 26 '14 at 16:43 1  
You can use the Codecs for the previous version. Go into MX Player - Help - FAQs. This links you through to their website. Look down the list and find question regarding Codecs. Follow links through to Custom Codecs and this takes you to XDA Developers where the Codecs and installation instructions can be found. Its very simple from this point.
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Just download the previous version of MX player 1.7.32 as Apk file. Here's png the link and install and don't upgrade to the latest version by changing the setting of Google play not to update automatically.
protected by Community ♦ Dec 30 '14 at 1:46
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