Monday, March 31, 2014

Po et koment : 0 ( Uka koment e ) | P idat koment | Nahl sit nefunk n odkaz | Doporu it l nek k

Ovl d n je jednoduch kuvahaku . Sta p idat video (lze p et hnout my ) a zvolit v stupn slo ku a form t (MP3, M4A, OGG). Vhodn je tak mo nost nastaven v stupn kvality zvuku, tzn. e soubor lze pro va i pot ebu zmen it, ale mus se po tat se ztr tou kvality (kompres p vodn ho souboru). P ehledn a jednoduch je tak celkov u ivatelsk rozhran kuvahaku programu.
4K Video to MP3 p in : n stroj umo uj c extrakci/odd len zvukov stopy videa (p evod videa do zvukov ho souboru) v stupn soubor ve form tech MP3, M4A, OGG) mo nost zmen en souboru v r mci p evodu rychlost cel ho procesu p evodu (v z vislosti kuvahaku na velikosti souboru, ale oby ejn v r mci p r vte in) jednoduch kuvahaku ovl d n a u ivatelsk rozhran
Domovsk str nka 4K Video to MP3 L b se v m 4K Video to MP3? :! Ohodno te p sp vek na s ti: Program slou c k p evodu videa na audio (extrakce zvukov stopy). Pot uj c je hlavn rychlost cel ho procesu, mo nost nastaven kvality a form tu (MP3, M4A, OGG). Co je to Flattr? Je podle v s 4K Video to MP3 u ite n ? Doporu te ho:
Po et koment : 0 ( Uka koment e ) | P idat koment | Nahl sit nefunk n odkaz | Doporu it l nek kamar dovi / kamar dce (e-mailem) Ulo si tento l nek na: P idat na Co je Nov ho / P idat k obl ben m v prohl e i P idejte Tip Zn te n jak dobr program, hru, MP3 skupiny, kter jsou zdarma? Po lete n m tip MP3: Vivaldi , Jarom r Nohavica MP3 Programy: AVG zdarma , avast! Free Antivirus , , online ICQ , Verdict Free anglicko esk slovn k , CCleaner , KMPlayer Video: Co bude dnes k ve e i , Vypr v j , iVys l n Ostatn : SMS zdarma do v ech s t , Seri ly online , CCCP kompletn video kodeky , Online disk Dropbox s 500 MB bonusem.
Audio a hudba Dopl ky OS Finance Grafika Internet, komunikace Kancel sk programy kuvahaku Programov n Slovn ky, p eklada e Spr va po ta e, soubor Utility, pomocn programy Video Vypalov n CD, DVD Vzd l v n Zabezpe en po ta e Z lohov n , backup, z lohy Menu P ehled rubrik Magaz n Ankety Podpo te n s St t se autorem Encyklopedie Brig da Blog Doporu te n s O, na e filozofie (+) P idat l nek, tip L b se v m v ci zdarma? Podpo te n s!:
© 2005-2014, R.P., V echna pr va vyhrazena. Podpo te n s , Odkazy pro v s , Kontakt .

Re: Jedině do Flacu! Karel 2.

Hlavní problém úložišť a záznamových médií všeho druhu představuje jejich zastarávání a trable se zpětnou kompatibilitou. Typickým příkladem jsou gramofonové desky, jež se staly dekorací, ale hudbu z nich přehrají jen fajnšmekři. Pomocí naší praktické příručky do kapsy se naučíte převést hudbu do MP3, a tedy o generaci prodloužit její život: stáhnout fotoflexer příručku v PDF .
Re: Jedině do Flacu! Karel 2.  12.  2010 10:33 Re: Preco stracat kvalitu? Jaromír Adámek 30.  11.  2010 9:53 Jedině do Flacu! Jaromír Adámek 30.  11.  2010 9:49 Re: asi joo jehovista 28.  11.  2010 21:00 důležité, relevantní informace zde: Pepa 28.  11.  2010 20:32 Přidat příspěvek Zobrazit fotoflexer vše
Týden Živě - 23. března 2014
Přehled virtuálních operátorů fotoflexer [aktualizováno]
Slováci si zvolili Antifica. Andreje Kisku ale neznají

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Následuje převod videa na zvukový formát. Délka převodu závisí na délce a kvalitě videa. V mém přípa

Před nějakou dobou existoval doplněk do prohlížeče, který umožňoval stáhnout scenery video z webu To pak bylo možné převést na MP3 nebo jiný formát. Tuším, že se to jmenovalo „Youtube Downloader“ nebo tak nějak. V současnosti toto už není možné. Aplikace není a YouTube zakazuje stahování videa.
Nicméně rád poslouchám různé DJské sety, u kterých stejně žádné video není. Maximálně tak nějaký obrázek, tak jsem chtěl využít aspoň tu možnost stáhnout si to do formátu .FLV a následně překonvertovat do MP3.
Zapátral jsem tedy na internetu a objevil stránku FLVTO . Jedná se o jednoduchou webovou aplikaci, která převede video z rovnou scenery do MP3. Patrně připravují i další formáty, ale zatím funguje jen tohle.
Postup je jednoduchý. Ze stránky na serveru Youtube s videem, které chceme převést na zvuk, si zkopírujeme URL adresu, např: . Tuto adresu vložíme na stránce do pole v horní části, scenery viz obrázek , a klikneme na tlačítko Convert to pod tímto políčkem.
Následuje převod videa na zvukový formát. Délka převodu závisí na délce a kvalitě videa. V mém případě má video cca 1 hodinu a 15 minut a převod trval cca 20 vteřin . Což je naprosto luxusní čas. Následně klikneme scenery na tlačítko Download , viz obrázek, a můžeme si výslednou MP3 stáhnout k sobě do počítače.
Je to velmi jednoduchý scenery způsob převodu mezi formáty. Nemusíme mít nainstalovaný převodník u sebe v počítači, vše za nás udělá server a my si můžeme stáhnout hotový zvuk v té nejvyšší možné kvalitě.   Web   Tagged with: convert FLV to MP3 , převod FLV na MP3 , převod videa na MP3 , youtube   Nastavení paměti na aplikačním serveru Tomcat
Rubriky Bezpečnost Databáze MSSQL Oracle ECM/CMS Documentum GNU/Linux Hardware Já a rodina Kdo umí… Krátce Nezařazené Práce Programování BASH Java Python scenery Sítě Software Freeware Virtualizace VirtualBox VMware Web Windows
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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Pavouk106 Guru Příspěvků: canvas rider 1 015

Kód: [Vybrat] /home/pavouk/hudba  - flac  |-- jednotlivá alba    |-- jednotlivé stopy  - ogg  |-- jednotlivá alba    |-- jednotlivé stopy  - mp3  |-- jednotlivá alba    |-- jednotlivé stopy S tím OGG si poradím sám, ale potřeboval bych nějaký skript, který by mi prolezl adresář flac i s podadresáři a udělal mi adresář MP3 s totožnými podadresáři a tam mi nasypal jednotlivé stopy. Ideálně samozřejmě včetně tagů. Vůbec netuším, kterým směrem se vydat. Řešení bych rád co nejvíc lightweight, canvas rider ideálně canvas rider bash skript (asi nejednořádkový...) s využitím nějakého prográmku na konverzi. Pokud by se tu našla dobrá duše, která by skript napsala, rád se z něj něco naučím a příště canvas rider si snad vystačím sám :-) S bashem jsem doteď neskriptoval.
Kód: [Vybrat] #!/bin/bash # Script that will convert a lot of audio formats to MP3 via the commandline. # Dependencies: MPlayer, mutagen and lame (It should accept every format that both mutagen and Mplayer accept). # mp3ify <input_dir> [<output_dir>] transforms structure <input_dir>/X/Y/.../Z into structure <output_dir>/X/Y/.../Z according to the following rules: #    * flac, ogg, m4a, ape, aac, mpc files will be encoded to mp3 preserving tags. #    * Everything canvas rider else will be copied without modification. # Default output_dir is /tmp/mp3ify. # lame settings canvas rider fine-tunning is done editing the configuration variables here below. DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR=/tmp/mp3ify QUALITY=2 VBR_QUALITY=4 MIN_BITRATE=64 MAX_BITRATE=256 SAMPLE_FREQ=44.1 function any_to_mp3 {   PIPE=`mktemp -u -t mp3ify.pipe.XXXXXX`   canvas rider mkfifo "$PIPE"   mplayer -nocorrect-pts -vo null -vc null -ao pcm:fast:file="$PIPE" "$INPUT_FILE" -noconsolecontrols > /dev/null 2>&1 &   lame -m j -q $QUALITY -v -V $VBR_QUALITY -b $MIN_BITRATE \        -B $MAX_BITRATE -s $SAMPLE_FREQ "$PIPE" "$OUTPUT_FILE" > /dev/null 2>&1   rm "$PIPE"   python -c " import mutagen input = mutagen.File(\"$INPUT_FILE\", easy = True) output = mutagen.File(\"$OUTPUT_FILE\", easy = True) for tag in [ 'artist', 'album', 'tracknumber', 'date', 'genre', 'title', 'comment' ]:   value = input.get(tag)   if value: output[tag] = value[0]" } function usage {   echo "mp3ify <input_dir> [<output_dir>] canvas rider   Transforms structure <input_dir>/X/Y/.../Z into structure <output_dir>/X/Y/.../Z   according to the following rules:     flac, ogg, m4a, ape, aac, mpc files will be encoded to mp3 preserving tags.     Everything else will be copied without modification. canvas rider   Requires: mplayer, lame, mutagen. "   exit 1 } INPUT_DIR="$1" [ -d "$INPUT_DIR" ] || usage OUTPUT_DIR="${2:-$DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR}" find "$INPUT_DIR" -name '*.*' | while read INPUT_FILE do     INPUT_EXTENSION="${INPUT_FILE##*.}"   canvas rider   INPUT_EXTENSION_LOWERCASE=`echo $INPUT_EXTENSION | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"`     OUTPUT_FILE="$OUTPUT_DIR/${INPUT_FILE#$INPUT_DIR}"     mkdir -p "`dirname "$OUTPUT_FILE"`"     case $INPUT_EXTENSION_LOWERCASE in     flv|flac|m4a|ogg|ape|aac|mpc|mp4|wav) OUTPUT_FILE="${OUTPUT_FILE%.$INPUT_EXTENSION}.mp3"     canvas rider     echo -n "Converting ${INPUT_FILE##*/}... "         any_to_mp3     ;;     *) echo -n "Copying ${INPUT_FILE##*/}... "         cp "$INPUT_FILE" "$OUTPUT_FILE"     ;;   esac   echo "done." done
Co poslal Jarda, to je přesně to, co jsem myslel. Mám základ, z něj něco vykoukám a můžu si to i předělat... mp3fs vyzkouším jako první, uvidíme, jak to na Atomu (kde navíc ve VirtualBoxu jedou Win XP) pojede :-D Podle toho se uvidí ;-)
Citace: Pavouk106  17. 09. 2013, 14:21:01 Co poslal Jarda, to je přesně to, co jsem myslel. Mám základ, z něj něco vykoukám a můžu si to i předělat... mp3fs vyzkouším jako první, canvas rider uvidíme, jak to na Atomu (kde navíc ve VirtualBoxu jedou Win XP) pojede :-D Podle toho se uvidí ;-)
Pavouk106 Guru Příspěvků: canvas rider 1 015
Robin: canvas rider Koukám, že Tě to tak rozhodilo, že jsi to nedokázal dát dohromady v prvním canvas rider postu Jen abych Tě uklidnil - (ne)jsem sadomasochista. XP ve VB jedou asi tak jako na srovnatelnym stroji (Pentium 3). Jóó, když teď iTunes chtějí prolézt všechny stopy, vypadá to, že to budou dělat celej příští rok... ;-) Hodlám to používat jen pro synchronizaci iPodu, takže si dám jednorázovej masakr s prolezením kolekce canvas rider a pak to už pojede...
Nojo, vono mě to odhlásilo a přihlásilo a pak zas

Friday, March 28, 2014

Během testování jsme s touto aplikací převedli několik hudebních daemon tools download CD do formátu

3nity Audio CD Extractor: převod z CD do MP3 a dalších daemon tools download formátů | / Windows
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Uchovávat hudební sbírku na desítkách či stovkách CD už dávno není z mnoha důvodů praktické kromě nároků na prostor je také jednou z mnoha nevýhod existence pouze jedné kopie. Jak to tedy udělat, pokud chcete poslouchat své oblíbené hity v práci, na cestách autem či hromadnou dopravou i doma? Vcelku jednoduše: převeďte svou domácí audiotéku do souborů v počítači. daemon tools download
Existuje řada nástrojů, se kterými můžete tento proces realizovat my se dnes podíváme na 3nity Audio CD Extractor, který umí konvertovat hudební CD do formátu MP3, WAV, WMA nebo OGG. Na výběr budete mít bezztrátový, ovšem objemově náročnější formát WAV s původní kvalitou, nebo komprimované formáty MP3, WMA či OGG, jejichž kvalita daemon tools download je sice mírně nižší, ale na disku vašeho počítače zaberou jen zlomek prostoru.
Zvukovou kompresi navíc většina laiků nevnímá jako ztrátu kvality, zejména pokud se následná reprodukce odehrává na běžných počítačových reproduktorech, notebooku, nebo ve sluchátcích, dodaných k telefonu či MP3 přehrávači. Užitečná je také podpora internetové databáze CDDB, obsahující téměř všechna oficiálně vydaná alba. V praxi tak nebudete muset přejmenovávat extrahované soubory, ani se starat o metadata pro přehrávače (tzv. ID3 tagy) 3nity Audio CD Extractor nejen převede zvukové stopy do souborů, ale také tyto soubory pojmenuje podle interpreta a názvu skladby. Instalace a první spuštění
Instalační daemon tools download balíček stáhnete z oficiální stránky programu - jeho velikost je 9,7 MB. Vývojářské studio 3nity Software daemon tools download má ve svém portfoliu i jiné aplikace například daemon tools download multimediální přehrávač , vypalovací software , prohlížeč souborů PDF a několik dalších programů, které si můžete prohlédnout v průběhu stahování.
S instalací vám pomůže průvodce, který vám dovolí pouze vybrat cílovou složku, zatímco všechna ostatní nastavení zůstávají v jeho režii. Nemusíte se obávat pokusu o nainstalování jakéhokoli nevyžádaného softwaru, což některé volně dostupné aplikace s oblibou zkoušejí. Poněkud ale překvapí požadavek na restart operačního systému, který je z našeho pohledu zbytečný.
Zástupce pro spuštění aplikace naleznete nejen v nabídce Start , ale také ve formě ikony na ploše. Po spuštění se zobrazí jednoduché uživatelské prostředí, sestávající pouze z jediné obrazovky. Proces převodu kompaktního disku do souborů probíhá formou průvodce.
Na hlavní obrazovce zabírá horní polovinu okna seznam stop na vloženém hudebním disku. Jestliže daemon tools download existuje o daném albu informace v databázi daemon tools download CDDB, zobrazí se zde jména interpretů, názvy skladeb, čísla stop a název alba. V opačném případě nezbývá než zadat tyto údaje ručně.
Jestliže máte v počítači více CD mechanik, můžete mezi nimi přepínat skrze nabídku Device . Políčky po levé straně seznamu lze vybírat stopy, které hodláte převádět, případně přepínačem All tracks označíte k převodu daemon tools download celé album. Následuje výběr složky, do níž budou výsledné soubory daemon tools download uloženy tu ovlivníte výběrem v sekci Destination folder . Nakonec je možné v nabídce Filenames zvolit formát názvu výsledných souborů. daemon tools download Na výběr je celkem pět různých kombinací pořadí jména interpreta, názvu písničky, čísla stopy a názvu alba.
Výstupní formát a kvalitu určíte skrze záložky jak již víte, na výběr je mezi WAV, MP3, OGG a WMA. U každého formátu je jiný způsob nastavení výsledné kvality, ovšem v rámci jednoho typu souboru vždy platí, že vyšší kvalita znamená větší velikost. Mezi nabízené formáty patří: WAV pouze PCM 44,1 kHz, 16bitové stereo MP3 od bitrate 32 do 320 kbit/s s volitelnou podporou VBR (Variable Bit Rate) OGG od bitrate 32 do 350 kbit/s WMA výběr od WMA Voice 9 přes WMA 9.2 Lossless, WMA 9.2, až po WMA 10 Professional.
Poté, co nastavíte všechny potřebné parametry, přikročíte k dalšímu kroku stiskem tlačítka Next , čímž spustíte převod hudebního CD do souborů. O průběhu procesu budete po celou dobu informováni grafickými ukazateli, vyobrazujícími průběh extrahování a komprese pro každou stopu.
Během testování jsme s touto aplikací převedli několik hudebních daemon tools download CD do formátu daemon tools download MP3 (VBR, 320 kbit/s), přičemž průměrná doba na převod jednoho disku se pohybovala kolem 15 minut (doba nutná k převodu samozřejmě záleží na rychlosti mechaniky, počtu stop, celkové délce skladeb, stupni poškození média a dalších daemon tools download faktorech).
3nity Audio CD Extractor nakonec ještě vytvoří také seznam skladeb neboli playlist, což je soubor s příponou M3U, skrze který můžete snadno spustit daemon tools download přehrávání všech písniček z alba. Informace o albu, interpretovi a skladbách daemon tools download jsou také automaticky vloženy do ID3 tagů, jež některé přehrávače využívají k zobrazení informací o aktuální písničce či k vedení statistik. Aplikace 3nity Audio CD Extractor vyniká především jednoduchostí, kdy se vše podstatné odehrává v rámci jedné obrazovky.
Ani nastavení požadov

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

10 summer youtubetomp3 festivals that are worth to go

Hackers have added the word "Nazi" youtubetomp3 in all news Russia Today | News from Belarus
Attackers have access to the administrative password site informs referring to microblog channel. As a result, the headlines began to look something like this: "The Russian senators voted on the direction of stabilization Nazi troops on Ukrainian territory."
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Turkish court overturned a ban on Twitter
10 summer youtubetomp3 festivals that are worth to go

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Map Borisova

Map Borisova
Borisov and 1812. Part 1 and 2
Wooden bridge over the Berezina
Forge artist Ales PANTELEI in Borisov Dudinka
Secondary educational institutions Borisov district
Chemical the flash Production the flash
Consumer Goods
Emergency Phone Numbers
Our site the flash already reported that at the intersection of Gagarin-Builders-Factory plans to build a large new shopping center on the site of pine forest. the flash Fears of many residents Borisov confirmed - the trees in one of the central parts of the city will be destroyed. the flash
Foreseeing a possible protest moods locals supporters green landscape conservation area of the district, the developer in the project, presented at providing the general public in the Department of Architecture and Construction of Borisov Executive Committee, went on an unprecedented promise. Limited Liability Company "Project Budmaystar Plus" is going to make compensatory planting 1,500 trees in the city. While landing sites are not defined, and residents are invited to choose themselves, folded their written proposals.
Arrange such a prospect the flash Borisov, who in May (May) this year have already paste up in the trees forest, under the projected destruction, with protest placards saying: "People who save us from being cut down! City officials have sold us! There will be another shopping center! ". In the same month, unknown even zashipovali pine nails so that it was difficult to cut down.
Projected new shopping center in Borisov at the intersection of Gagarin-Builders-Factory is an individual frame-panel two-storey building with a rectangular configuration, overall dimensions 66.0 X73, 0 m
"The construction of the shopping center will make another significant contribution to the accessibility to the city of Borisov trade advantages and retail network of retailers, giving a powerful impetus to reduce retail prices of goods and food industry group. Projected mall created for those buyers the flash who are always waiting for a really lucrative deals and offers. Particular attention is paid to pensioners and developers with limited mobility. Shopping the flash center will be fully adjusted to visit persons with disabilities. "
Top news in this section: Investing in the poor quality: Borisov will let Chinese car In pictures. Furnaces: Instead of the former officers' mess - "Euroopt" (6 photos) Operating JV "Frebor" When the Germans come with checks, do not let the workers of industrial shops Batura Lukashenko: Modest report on grandiose plans have Telman oglu Mammadhuseyn fell sour cream and yogurt! Tags: construction (50) Trade (35) Pine (16) trees (8) Euroopt (7) Project LLC Budmaystar Plus (2) Gagarin Street (53) Street Builders (20) Factory Street (9) In pictures (68) construction ( 21) Trade (11) Pine (16) trees (4) Euroopt (6) Project LLC Stroymaster Plus (2) Gagarin Street (22) Street Marketing (6) Street Daumana (5) In pictures (52) 2014. When citing information active hyperlink is obligatory. Use material commercial purposes without the written permission of the publisher is prohibited.

Region News

Cradle of human life | Newspaper "Labour Glory"
Home 70: Memory alarm Archive Elections - 2010 Election Year 2012 Year Book Year thrift entrepreneurial qualities Advertising Election Year - 2014 Year Society memorable hospitality organizations District Life We think so! Culture Spirituality In line Literary imovie History Project page "Mother Song" His edge Learn Belarusian Buy Our children Events and Facts From editorial mail HOME Minsk Region district radio Social services Revival village Your Health Day by day Zemlyakov famous names Editor Youth courier Notes of village house guarding Physical Culture and Sports
The house was and is for the person the place where he spends his whole life, it is the cradle in which more than one generation born family. And so for a long time, to fulfill the covenant of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, and based on their observation of life, a person is paid to construction of a new home a great value.
Was taken into account imovie and the place where it will be home, and how and when it start to build, and even who will build it. New home should be zastseragalnitsay man guard his life and peace both in the literal sense, and based on those beliefs and ideas that originally passed down from grandfathers. First it was necessary to procure timber for house construction. And when we started to cut the first tree and watched as car falls to the ground. Need to white fell sideways up and down the upper part of the rough. Otherwise, this tree is not cut down, and looked for another. Do not cut off as the construction of the house dry tree with a hollow inside and the trees that were burned by lightning. On calendar time construction began only after the Annunciation.
Since ancient times, the place to choose a new home as follows: a few days before construction thrown to the ground oak bark from the wood harvested from the house, and about the fourth day, take her up and saw that seem beneath the bark. If there is found worms or black ants, believed that such a place most suitable for construction, and if under the bark spider plant or ordinary ants house in a place not built.
To this end, wondered more and bread. Throwing his bosom three small round loaves of bread and watched them fall to the ground. If the bread to the sky will fall on horseback - construction started, and if the ground - have identified a new place.
Builders began to associate the first crown log from the place where the house should be the corner - an honorary fifth corner, on which hang icons. In some cases zarubtsy between the logs put herbs that are collected and consecrated the church on the eve of Ivan Kupala. Famous Belarusians, like other Slavic peoples, custom putting notches imovie in the corners first or third crown copper and silver coins, wool, grain, bread slices - in short, everything that could be associated in the future wealth of the house.
As soon as the first crown carcass was embedded imovie on the foundation, the hostess makes a table, put it in the middle of the house and began to treat the carpenters. Custom treats those who built the house, commonly known in our region. Among Belarusians even existed a belief that if the master builder, angry over something on the hosts and while expressing a certain curse when laying logs third crown, imovie last blow of the ax, says: "Hook! So be it, "That is a curse will come true.
Moved to the newly built house usually before the full moon. According to some sources, in ancient times this was done at midnight, climbed imovie for the first time in the house and through the window, hence the name - the housewarming. On the day of the relocation to the house invited the priest who consecrated it and read a prayer at check-in. Entered into a new house with rows of icons, imovie usually that gave young parents at a wedding, or if the whole family moved to a new home, took the icon from the old residence. Such an image is made by women. She first entered the house and hung it on the corner.
The next day in the morning waiting for who will go first in the new home to the owners. It is desirable that this was a good man and good fortune. Sometimes, without waiting for the first visitor, the owner himself would invite someone from neighbors and treated him to eat.
Usually in the first week or much later to the hosts guests came to congratulate them on their new home, and wish them success and prosperity in the new house. To this end, crossing the threshold into the house threw a handful of coins, which is well known for such modern celebrations. In older times, guests brought with them bread, salt, rye, bacon, sausage, pancakes for donations spirit of the new home, as they say - on razzhyvanne or "to get rich from what it was."
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Monday, March 24, 2014

Grodno residents began collecting signatures against the installation stops and other crowded place

Grodno against stalls "Tobacco"
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Grodno residents began collecting signatures against the installation stops and other crowded places specialized stalls, "Tobacco", as they believe that it simplifies access to tobacco and promoting the habit.
Initiator collecting microsoft visio signatures on the Internet made grodnenka Julia Kolyada. She says that with the advent in bright eye-catching stalls labeled "Tobacco" I saw on the internet a lot of outraged comments. Waiting for someone to take the initiative to collect the signatures of residents of Grodno and send them to the chairman of the Grodno City Executive Committee, Regional Council of Deputies and the Department of Health Executive Committee. But I had to do it myself. In one day, joined by more than a thousand people. Julia says that they do not seek to ban smoking, and that there was no smoking in advertising:
Julia Kalyada "We are asking to do more low-kiosks for citizens, and particularly for young people, for students, for those who constantly smokes. We ask them to clean out the stops, please make them smaller and not as noticeable as they are colorful, eye-catching. And we ask them to remove from the specific inscription: "Tobacco", so we see this as advertising of tobacco products. " Except for the fact that the city is dotted with stalls, people are very hurt that the authorities in doing so, not consult with residents. Gorky Street near the shop "Naroch" I talk with the teacher, Mr. Igor. It shows that within 70 meters here already four new stalls labeled "Tobacco". Man: "This microsoft visio is clearly a product advertising campaign, which according to the law should not be advertised. I do not understand the attitude of the city authorities, who allow it and thereby violate the law. " Reporter: "As far as local authorities - if they were to ask the opinions of citizens on this matter?" Man: "Opinions of citizens have in any case do not ask. But what citizens think about the stalls are already well known: people massively phoning and writing to the executive committee, because it is done in our city? .. "At the doctor, Mrs. Irene, from the window of a study also shows bright kiosk" Tobacco ". She says flatly that there is not even subject to debate, as there is a clear advertising and promotion of tobacco products, "It makes cigarettes available to all, and especially for young people. Around the world are struggling with this, and we have the opposite ... "But the thought of Grodno new kiosks" Tobacco ": microsoft visio
Around the world are struggling with this, and we have the opposite Woman: "Very bad attitude to this, and the site has put his signature. This is the most that neither is on promotion of tobacco. Previously struggled with beer stalls, microsoft visio now overwhelm tobacco. In all the comments on the websites people write about it. " Man: "lured cheap cigarettes: smoke, smoking, smoking. Let cheap smoke ... "His wife:" Well, there at every corner stands: Smoking. Of course, they had to ask what we think about it, but none of us asks. But it always has been - who have asked when and what? .. "Student:" The name of this stall is worth only - "Tobacco". That it has not yet, at least not in the eye catches. And then there's the big letters ... "His friend:" Well, that's a bait for teenagers - so vain did. I think that was enough, microsoft visio when cigarettes are sold in the usual stalls. And it was not necessarily so bright and flashy to advertise. " Cpetsyyalizavanyya tobacco sha

Sunday, March 23, 2014

News (BelTA) Final of the contest

Tolochinsky PMK-65 eliminated | Talachyn. News Talachyn. Website Talachyn
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News (BelTA) Final of the contest "Family rembrandt of the Year" will be held on October 31 in Minsk on 23 March 2014 Belarus examine how people allocate their time March 23, 2014 vote in local elections in Belarus completed March 23, 2014 no fundamental violations of the electoral law on elections was not 23 March 2014 in Minsk are rising commissioning housing March 23, 2014
Builder PMK-65 rembrandt finally collapsed and no longer exists. Formally, it is attached to Senno PMK-64, in accordance with the order of the Director "Vitsebskablselbuda" must act Tolochinsky plot Senno PMK-64. But what may be this plot, when all the experts, engineers and technicians who where long gone, and now have only half a dozen workers, whom nobody nyavat manage? And most PMK-64 from such consolidation only added problems. Recently, some workers Tolochinsky area were forced leave while maintaining 2/3 of the salary, the other dealt with the issue of resignation.
It is likely that many of the people you see in the picture, has also left the company. Someone resented the lack of jobs and said he wants to continue to live and work in Talachyn, in your neighborhood, someone was planning to find a stable job and a higher salary elsewhere.
Why is it that the builders were not wanted at the time, in an area full of unfinished projects? Who is to blame for the collapse, we can argue and argue. You can remember the good word leaders in which to live well, and berate those driven organization in the swamp, only in this sense is not: nothing can be brought back. One thing is certain: if control PMK-65 at the time was in the hands of competent, enthusiastic, responsible persons, and now it would operate successfully. How many times have I had to meet with ordinary workers - never seen drunk or angry, or apathetic slackers, always rembrandt were people who wanted the same thing - work. And was not their fault that the hulking officials did not enforce these building materials, rembrandt fuel, could not organize a smooth work process, rembrandt delayed construction time was multiplied deficiencies and misunderstandings and grow long.
And funny and sad to hear when, during our last meeting, earnestly made a statement that the PMK-65 at all times have the highest rates and the best quality of work. Maybe it was, but better not say "at all times" and "in the old days." In recent years, when at least one dive to the bottom for other leaders changed the name of the organization more and more associated with the opposite phenomenon - delaying construction and customer dissatisfaction. rembrandt One of the last pechalnoizvestnyh objects are 10-apartment house on the street and thrown into the tractor, at the stage of foundation adopted "Drutstsyu" 48-room apartment on Lenin. Perhaps that is why people were talking about his former glory, and therefore not in a hurry to leave, held out until the last few permanent employees, the company who gave most of his life and all his soul, that he did not believe it, did not make sense: it's the end.
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Saturday, March 22, 2014

At the talks in China Prime Myasnikovich reminded foto lucu there the timing of delivery of the hot

Chinese builders left "Beijing" ... the New Year! | News from Belarus
At the talks in China Prime Myasnikovich reminded foto lucu there the timing of delivery of the hotel "Beijing". Five-star hotel with 200 rooms, which the Chinese are building in the center of Minsk, must earn in April 2014. But three months before the opening of the "Beijing" does not impress completed. foto lucu
"I think we have time. In fact, everything is completed the outside. foto lucu Now there is only the interior, "- says ERB Gao Yuan, a spokesman for the Chinese company BUCC, that building a hotel. In fact, around the high-rise in the park 40th anniversary foto lucu in October still standing forests, which are constantly scouring the builders.
But in time it is necessary, foto lucu as in "Beijing" is planned to lodge members world hockey championship. It begins May 9. At the time of construction - from October 2010 to January 2015 already - even contractor freed from value added tax. So nedabudavats be a bit awkward. And the penalties for non-investment contracts today - are not uncommon.
"We plan to open on April 15. And we informed foto lucu the organizers of the World Cup that he was ready to receive guests from May, who will come to the championship, "- says Sergey foto lucu ERB for Bishop, foto lucu deputy director of the hotel" Beijing ". Although the hotel has not yet opened its administration works. foto lucu Reservations can be made even today, but it is not easy:
"So far we have, say, node reservation is not created. There is a phone number, fax. But the staff are not placed in the office hotel, and ATS is not yet included - continues Sergey Lord. - But the employee is engaged in the marketing department taking foto lucu applications. And if we request you to confirm, we already owe. "
In March, the "Beijing" will get a site that will give room reservation human form. Not wanting to wait, asked the deputy director of ERB "Beijing" about room rates. The new hotel will be one of the most expensive in Minsk!
"Standard room: 35-37 square meters with a wide bed - as we say, on the river [rack rate is the full price, no discount. So many people will pay when it comes to the hotel just off the street and remove room for one night. - ERB] worth $ 280. The more expensive rooms cost from 330 to 650 dollars per night. Presidential Suite in us called Beijing Suit. Its area - about 500 square meters and rekavski price - $ 2,100 per night. "
For comparison, presidential suite at the newly opened "President Hotel" is worth 2430 dollars. The Crowne Plaza Presidential Suite cost varies depending on the date. On weekdays, it costs 1,000 euros (~ $ 1380) and on weekends - 800 euros (~ 1105 dollars). The hotel "Minsk" presidential suite costs $ 880 per night. The hotel "Victoria" two bedroom apartments are 7680000 rubles (~ $ 800).
That the rooms can be booked already foto lucu shows the confidence of the customer in a timely completion of construction works. But one of the engineers, who works in construction, said ERB that deadlines hotel can rip ... Chinese New Year!
Prosecutor General's Office found that those investors received concessional land in Minsk for development foto lucu of commercial foto lucu real estate, can not cope with the projects. foto lucu One of the firms (online foto lucu prosecutors called her JV "A") in April 2010, entered foto lucu into an agreement with the Minsk City Executive Committee to the construction of the business center with administrative and hotel complex and parking. By April 2014 the company has promised to invest in the construction of $ 200 million.
However, investors have not fulfilled their obligations. As a result of Minsk city executive committee broke the agreement with them unilaterally. The prosecutor of Minsk sue them $ 4 million fine. In addition, unscrupulous investor paid a fee for the trial court - 380 million rubles.
Belarus Cup Football "Neman" beat BATE in overtime
In Logojsky district faced two trucks with Russian foto lucu numbers (photo)
Lukashenko reminded that it is better to feed their soldiers than others (video)
infoteka foto lucu

Friday, March 21, 2014

Average contest huf BrGTU stable over the years. This year, the budget form of training he was abou

In higher education, the country ended the opening campaign. Now in high school huf summarizes and analyzes the results. On his opening campaign at four universities in Brest our newspaper told the selection committee. huf
At the oldest university area, Brest State University named after AS Pushkin, applicants had to choose from. 11 faculties offering 50 specialties. New among them compared to last year was not. On a number of existing disciplines appeared only an abbreviated form of learning.
As the executive secretary huf of the selection committee BrSU Pushkin Svetlana Weaver, at this year's full-time education from the budget of 527 students enrolled in the plan 536, the correspondence huf - 146 154 at the plan. The most popular at the university enjoyed specialty "Jurisprudence" - 22 statements in place (three low places), "Tourism and Hospitality" - and 5 "Bioecology" - 5.2.
Smallest contests seen in a special Department of Physics. So, on a specialty "Physics" competition was 0.5 application in place. Compared to last year the situation has improved with a set on philological specialty. In this contest, the average amounted to nearly 2 applications in place. However, the specialty huf "Mathematics" on-site training at the expense of the budget was not filed any application.
S.M.Tkach admitted that the university today come less prepared applicants than, say, 5 years ago. Yet clearly the weak applicants for student card this year was not. One of abiturientok admission to the Faculty of Foreign Languages has brought to the admissions office of centralized testing certificates in the amount of 340 points.
Brest State Technical University students with a set of problems not. At this year's daily budget form of education enrolled 488 people on correspondence - one hundred and twelfth Dialing plan is fully implemented. According to the executive secretary of the selection committee BrGTU Sergei Mikhailovich Semeniuk, the competition for a particular specialty in universities defined dialing plan, resulting in a limited number of budget places caused great contests.
Average contest huf BrGTU stable over the years. This year, the budget form of training he was about 2.4 application in place. Set was conducted at 7 faculties in 27 specialties. New specialties in this year did not open.
Significantly increased the interest of applicants to the building trades. Youth began to take into account the labor market. Yet year after year is not reduced interest huf in economic fields, "World Economy" - 5 applications in place (only one budget place), "Marketing" - and 4.3 "Accounting and Audit" - 3.7 (three low places). Low competition due to the large dial plan observed on a specialty "Industrial and civil construction" - 1.3 application in place. Maximum points centralized testing certificates submitted to the selection committee, made up of 350.
In Polesskoe State University as the executive secretary said the selection committee Larisa Looky, the economic profession traditionally in demand, given the bank's profile university. 70% of students study by the National Bank of Belarus. The most popular among students yesterday were "Finance and credit: huf Banking" and "Finance and credit: Finance," competition which was 2.8 and 1.5 apply for a place, respectively. The lowest tender was observed on the specialty "Economics and Management of agro-industrial complex" huf - one application for a place.
In Paldi set of students was carried out on four faculties (banking, economic, biotechnological and faculty organization of a healthy lifestyle) in 12 specialties. huf On the day the budget form of education enrolled 337 people on correspondence - 63.
Within a few years, the most popular specialty Baranovichi State University is the "Law" - 10.7 statements in place. Economic profession is still in demand among entrants ("Marketing" - 8 applications in place, "Economics and Organization of Production" - 3). Good competition formed on specialties "Geoecology" - 3.4 application for the place "Initial Training" - and 3 "Foreign language (English). Technology (serving work) "- 3.3. Smallest huf contests seen in a special huf "Agronomy" (1,2 statements in place) and "Mechanical Engineering" (1.3).
Passing scores depending on the specialty ranged from 182 ("Information Systems and Technology") to 277 ("Law"). Maximum points certificates centralized testing was 325.
Executive secretary of the selection committee Ludmila Klimashevsky Barg said that enrollment in the University was conducted on four faculties (engineering, education and psychology, economics and law, Slavic and Germanic languages) in 27 specialties. On the day the budget form of education enrolled 426 people, the correspondence - 206.
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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Curriculum colleges provide training practice in which, rojo for example, only work mulyarnyya rele

Reservations pedagogical press "Man and the earth was created rojo by God, and everything else - builder
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Some people still live in captivity rojo stereotypes, they say, the production - it's dirt and noise, where workers swearing and cursing, their work is unskilled and uninteresting ... To get rid of these stamps, enough rojo to visit a modern enterprise or modern colleges, such as Architectural Building College-Belarusian-Russian University. Some specialty rojo competition rojo are higher than in the universities and in the distribution of graduates attended by heads of major construction companies. The fact that the college can get an excellent education that meets international standards, as evidenced by a certificate of quality ISO 9001:2008 and STB ISO 9001 - 2001.
On the preparation of specialists in modern and Secondary schools will our conversation with the director of Architecture and Construction College Belarusian-Russian University Konstantin Andreyevich BASHARKIN, incidentally, a graduate of the institution. rojo
- Higher education institutions provide engineering training and did not delve into how, say, install a partition or where to put the excavator. A college is taught in detail, detail. Note that college graduate study in universities and just wonder: he had studied a lot, doing coursework and thesis projects. By the way, the scale of course and diploma projects in high school is much higher, but the overall content is not very different rojo from what is done in college.
Curriculum colleges provide training practice in which, rojo for example, only work mulyarnyya released two weeks, the same for painting, plastering, etc. Therefore, in my opinion, an expert with specialized rojo secondary education, supported by university diploma, largely compares favorably with a specialist who has just graduated.
We followed the fate of our graduates, and I can say that many of them after two months of work at a construction site become masters, foremen. Later, when they get higher education is certainly open even more opportunities to climb the career ladder.
- It depends on the needs of each applicant. We recruit more children on the basis of general basic education (9 years). Many of them argue as follows: after the 11th grade in high schools, I can not do right, and be able to work after college and would not depend on their parents financially, higher education as possible and get in absentia.
Today, thanks to the fact that we are in the structure of the Belarusian-Russian University, has developed a curriculum and approved the admission quotas, according to which the BRU will gain on absentee-distance learning in the specialty "Industrial and civil construction" of our graduates.
- Builders today - one of the most sought after professionals, their work is highly paid, but many entrants pushing the stereotype that it is necessary to get though not very much in demand, but higher education. I believe that you too are concerned about: how to restore the prestige of secondary special education?
- Now there is a social order to ensure that graduates were more mobile in the labor market. I believe that we should give more than one specialty, and two or even three, and to our students while studying in college could increase your rank. Curriculum prescribed to receive the second and third categories, but it would be very good on a fee basis or through an increase in the period of study to provide the best students to increase discharge. Prestige colleges greatly rojo influences what, where, and what positions are distributed graduates institution.
Another element of the mobility of our staff is a practice-oriented training. In our institution, not only teaching practices, but also practical lessons we try to spend at the facilities. For example, we bring students to the factory, and all day they learn how to produce constructions: it is much more efficient than if all they told the teacher in the classroom.
Another important factor is that the conditions in which children learn, which dorm they live, so we pay great attention to study and living conditions of our students. Tried to in their spare time they could work in construction companies, to make money. It also affects the prestige.
- We try to keep up. Our teachers are trained not only in accordance with regulations (every 5 years), but in addition to construction companies, directly at sites where new technologies are introduced. rojo Teachers often tried to pull away from the board in the classroom, that they may see modern construction, acquainted with the latest technology and materials.
Our physical infrastructure is improving each year. Five

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Additional Articles: New book about the history of Yuri Gordeeva communities end of XVIII century.

Topics KulturnayaStalitsa billboard technology science cars GrodnaNaStaryhPashtovkah GodBerazhlivastsi 1863 children literature events tourism vacation view border neighbors vid to mp3 ecology exhibition charity online reviews religion students travel incident power right person health history hobbies education photos video sport Culture Economy Politics Society
The museum of history of religion in Grodno Vladimir Sour just passed one of the churches in his latest discovery. He was given a small picture vid to mp3 of the restoration, and under it he found an old and more skillfully done.
Restoration of works of art, especially for the museum, he is engaged for 34 years. In Grodno on the facades of temples preserved wooden sculpture, which for several vid to mp3 centuries. Vladimir Sour put their hands to their recovery. He says:
"Does the repair of the facade of the church of the Bernardine. Since it withdrew figures of saints, which were in poor condition. Struhlevshaya wood. Large figures: two and a half meter and a half - the approximate dimensions. Polish restorers promised to restore them. But the facade was painted, and the authorities vid to mp3 require that forests have been removed, vid to mp3 saying that spoil urban views, standing in front of Drama. This meant that the figures vid to mp3 need to return back. And the baby was missing half of the face, arms and legs.
Had to do in the museum vid to mp3 courtyard tent, as in the studio, they would not fit, and it was impossible to even them through the window to carry. And then, horrible vid to mp3 smells of epoxy products. And I had disgusting breed, because grind with the primers and gesso - it is very dirty, smelly. But the tour was interesting. And I made three saints conservation: Helena with a cross, Bernard and Anthony with a baby. "
"Unfortunately, for decades vid to mp3 we do nothing at all, we begin to hurry. After all, someone will come and take away the forest officials said. Poles, which initially negotiated the priest, said that the restoration of each figure will take several years and will cost as a new Japanese vid to mp3 car, and they will need to export to Poland. vid to mp3 "
Sour: "What kind of church, when there can be said to have remained two walls (the rest of the boards). And now, when it comes to its repair, reconstruction, it means - let there builders. Father want to have bulbs on it. It can be considered a historical object. vid to mp3 And then, no one knows how it looked like this church. In her critical geomorphic condition because every year there are cracks. I think karst rocks is not so easy to fix. And if you add weight, and builders do, nothing good it does not expect. "
"Neman Grodno flowing into the gorge. And in a place where there is Kolozha most water pressure, there the river turns to the left. Water has an incredible power, and must take into account that the layers in the chalk hill Kalozha, easily eroded. No matter how much strengthened, Beach will still wash away. But we have a harbor, port (Neman creek opposite Kolozhi). Once here was allegedly river island. If the front of the church to pour a couple of dams of stones and make the island, breaking vid to mp3 the stream into two branches, and thereby weaken the water pressure, it might give the result. After the hill fortified with the king, now strengthened, but every year there are new cracks. I think that we can in the future to lose this. "
"Near the hamlet Kustovki Uniate Church in 1828 fell into the Neman, it undercut. Still say that the church stood and fell through the ground and formed a lake, which is now called the Church. vid to mp3 It was formed from the oxbow lake. Undercut so as to undercut Kolozhu in 1853. It is known that it was the church of St. Eustache. And what's interesting: the iconostasis had to disassemble, and he is now in Dubna church. " vid to mp3
"Every year in the spring, in the flood, when the river cut bluff, then drops to a dozen houses, but the people have time to move out. To stop this, began to adjust direction. But unearthed understand dug direct channel (clearly seen on the satellite image from the internet) to keep the water in a different direction - and threw a few years ago, unfinished work, ran out of money. "
"What I'm most impressed then - that Karatkevich not too lazy to write to me twice, and I have these letters. I do not think that was friends with him, but drank vodka with Vladimir Semenovich. I know that he was very fond of Grodno. When he asked - where are you, man, hiking, - I said of Dubno - he immediately took a picture vid to mp3 of the Dubna church, said: I was there! Was in my school. In my opinion, Karatkevich belonged to the second, for which there was such a place in Belarus, which they would not justify their feet. I already drew, gave him his picture - "King Stach gives soul to the devil" was called. Where is the picture that her fate, I do not know.
Additional Articles: New book about the history of Yuri Gordeeva communities end of XVIII century. vid to mp3 (18.03.2014) Know your! Part V: Memories of Santa Kazik Grodno derbi i pogroms (07/03/2014) to restore the online gallery of old photos Grodno (05.03.2014) Beg

Actual News Board, meeting opencv space Interlocutor Educational Regional News People Education Edu

Actual News Board, meeting opencv space Interlocutor Educational Regional News People Education Educational opencv Projects Preschool Education Special Education opencv Education Educational space Additional opencv education Local history opencv Sports opencv Events Education Quality opencv Teaching Science and Innovation School of Social Culture angle Bookstore Parallels
In Minsk State Palace of Children and Youth, opencv a solemn ceremony of awarding opencv the winners of the national contest "On the best achievement in the construction industry of the Republic of Belarus" by the results of 2012. The event was attended by the First Deputy Minister of Education AI Zhuk, First Deputy Minister of Construction and Architecture I.V.Arhipava, Deputy Minister of the Ministry D.I.Semyankevich, chairman of the Union of Builders M.T.Sharamet.
It must be remembered that the competition is conducted annually by the Ministry of Architecture and Construction, together with other line ministries with the direct participation of the Union of Belarus builders to develop a building opencv complex of our country, the definition of the best builders and organizations promoting and disseminating opencv the best achievements in the field of design and construction, improve the image of construction profession among young people. It should be noted that recently taken significant steps to strengthen career guidance for young people to increase its interest in blue-collar occupations, including the construction industry. This work should be more than a hundred in a massive, directed opencv to the rising popularity of blue-collar occupations, on clarification of young people new working conditions, to familiarize them with the modernization of production, new modern technologies opencv and the benefits of working in the construction industry. In addition, more work is needed for the intended reception, which could allow an increase in the mandatory term mining towards young workers and specialists. For employers, an important activity should be increased measures to consolidate staff in organizations, in particular, the provision of social benefits, higher wages, better working opencv conditions.
Feature of today's reality opencv was to establish close and effective relationships between organizations and the construction area of vocational education. Every year these relationships opencv more stronger and acquire new features. The result of this cooperation was the satisfaction of productive labor market building frames and scale of construction opencv in the capital and in the regions of our country. Question of balance and quality of training, including for the construction industry, was considered at the level of the government, which gave instructions to two ministries on the development and improve the quality of vocational training for construction. According to the instructions, the number of students who are accepted to study at vocational training institutions for construction trades, increasing annually and is now around 20%. Preparation for the construction industry workers from 46 construction trades carried out 78 vocational training institutions. In addition, the annual construction companies come to work for trades and graduates of secondary specialized educational institutions, who have studied the profile of "Architecture and Construction". In addition, many thousands squad builders replenish annually 3,5 thousand people who are trained opencv in educational programs of vocational training, retraining and advanced training of workers on construction opencv professions. And at the level of higher education in recent years to enroll the construction field has increased by 36 percent.
Today, there are many examples of effective interaction of the construction industry with educational institutions that prepare organizations for her workers. Recently became tangible help in updating customer personnel training base schools, even at the international level. For example, with the participation of one of Germany's opencv largest manufacturers of building products based on Minsk vocational school 12 construction implemented a project that aims to prepare a new profession "contributor flooring." With the help of another German company in Minsk professional opencv lyceum opencv 10 construction organized training using modern tools and materials builders finishers. All successfully formed vocational qualification frame structure in accordance with the needs of industries. To this end, the country has a system of forecasting training according to labor market needs. Between institutions and employers is a system of contracts and orders, as well as organized targeted opencv training. (At the level of vocational training target enrollment may be up to 50%.) Statutory membership base organization, and educational standards and educational program documentation agreed with the customer staff.
Traditionally, opencv the program of the competition included such nominations as "Executive of the Year" and "Organization of the Year", which was nominated for director and educational institutions, opencv asking for training for bud

Monday, March 17, 2014

Over the weekend, February 1-2, Grodno could free estimate the result of long work of builders on t

Topics KulturnayaStalitsa windows media player 12 billboard technology science cars GrodnaNaStaryhPashtovkah GodBerazhlivastsi 1863 children literature events tourism vacation view border windows media player 12 neighbors ecology exhibition charity online reviews religion students travel incident power right person windows media player 12 health history hobbies education photos video sport Culture Economy Politics Society
Over the weekend, February 1-2, Grodno could free estimate the result of long work of builders on the slopes near Korobchitsy. Some have even managed to name three ski slopes, windows media player 12 but the correspondent of "Your Style" along with many other Grodno convinced that it is necessary to finalize the deal.
The weather at the weekend was not the most favorable, especially windows media player 12 on a Saturday so massively on karobchytskiya persuade people not to go. Strong winds nearly zdmuvav people, not to mention the snow, so the tops of hills were completely naked. Here and there on the road across the soil and ice cubes, people also complained of irregularities.
Additional Articles: Pilot occupation "Language anew" in Grodno gathered about 100 people. Photo and Video (03/14/2014) "Hot Snow" has become a "slippery asphalt" (2/23/2014) in Grodno is extinguished windows media player 12 envelope published about obtaining the status of cultural capital (21.02.2014) in the weekend shooting: 18-19 January 2014 (21.01.2014) In Korobchitsy experienced snow guns (17/01/2014)
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Grodno "Neman" stronger "Metallurg" in the first two meetings semifinals

Would happen what happened in

Maria Eysmont: Leading cardiologist earns as a simple construction
Shqip عربی Հայերեն accident Azərbaycanca Nohchiyn BiH / Hrv / Srb / CG Belarusian دری ქართული English RFE / RL Regional Afghanistan Adyghe Kyrgyz Kazakh Macedonian پشتو افغانستان پاکستان daemon فارسی Româneşte daemon Toҷikӣ ozodi. org Tatar Turkmen daemon Ukrainian Vzbekcha Russian Russian Kazakhstan Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan daemon rus .
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Doctors "Ecomedservice" condemned daemon
Maria recently wrote an article "Beating negligent", in which she expressed daemon her views on who should be in the dock in "Ecomedservice", and the working conditions of doctors belarukih. Hanna Sous Maria, you have followed the court case "Ecomedservice" how predictable for you was the verdict - anesthetist daemon Alexander shuravi 4 years in a penal colony, the engineer of the medical center Vadim Likhuta 3 years in a penal colony, and former CEO Areas Volzhankin - 2 years limited liberty without sending them to a detention facility open? Maria Eysmont: I assumed that the verdict will be tougher when you consider the publicity that was given to this matter. But 4 years in a penal colony, the court determined that for the anesthesiologist Alexander Shurova - this harsh sentence, in my opinion. Because the material, which he was charged, and suggests a more lenient sentence - imprisonment daemon without deprivation of the right to engage in medical practice. Especially because Shurov daemon in his final statement to the court asked him to leave the profession, and said that he wants to benefit the people. A Shurov, daemon as it became known, after the story of retired "Ecomedservice" and worked on "ER," where doctors are sorely lacking, where wages are lowest, and it is generally considered to be the most non-prestigious place to work for doctors. Sous: Let's look at the situation more, as you suggested in his article - in what conditions the Belarusian doctors, and why they work in addition to private centers?
Would happen what happened in "Ecomedservice" if and Shurov and surgeon Silver NOT a penny there concurrently, and this was their main place of work? Eysmont: The question is not to me, under what conditions it to the authorities, brought to why these conditions. I did and put and put such a question, and it would be what happened in "Ecomedservice" if and Shurov and surgeon Silver NOT a penny there part-time, and this was their main place of work? However, it now appears daemon that Shurov yet started working daemon in "Ecomedservice" and moonlighting in other clinics. daemon But he still had to look for any part time, to ensure a more or less decent life. This is not normal. Like the fact that the operation began at 5:00 pm and the surgeon Silver, defended before 5:00 on two operations on the main job, came to "Ecomedservice" certainly already tired. After five o'clock already need to think about how to relax and not work again and perform a complex operation. By the way, on the board of the Ministry of Health, which has recently held, director of cardiology called ROC salaries leading surgeons who do a heart transplant, high-tech operations. These figures have impressed me. Given all surcharges that they get their salary is about 7 million rubles. Today Belarus builders get 10-12 million, and then leading cardiologists daemon ... Sous: Continuing the theme of salaries ... recently received a wide response requirements daemon physicians "first aid" for higher wages. You communicate a lot with the doctors who are working in different fields of medicine. If we compare the salaries of doctors, for example, with salaries in other areas, it looks like a hierarchy, daemon whose representatives occupations earn more than that? Eysmont: According to official figures, the salary in medicine is still in 9th place among 13 industries. Fewer doctors prepared teachers, workers of culture, daemon social services. Everything related to working professionals, it is significantly higher salaries. I would like to draw attention to this point. We are constantly talking about the salaries of doctors, that they receive, but not their salaries. Now sounding phrases that will improve, even at the last board Tozik said boo

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Topics KulturnayaStalitsa billboard technology science cars GrodnaNaStaryhPashtovkah GodBerazhlivas

Topics KulturnayaStalitsa billboard technology science cars GrodnaNaStaryhPashtovkah GodBerazhlivastsi 1863 children mp4 converter literature events tourism vacation view border neighbors ecology exhibition charity online reviews religion students travel incident power right person health history hobbies education photos video sport Culture Economy Politics Society mp4 converter
Urgent problem. Historically, a matter of habit - to speak in Russian. The family mp4 converter all spoke Russian, just like everywhere else. When there was less thought Belarusian speak only in the villages, and it seemed that I was laughed at. The language was studied poorly, without much interest. Only the years you realize how it is poor and pathetic - to live in a society that does not recognize their language, mp4 converter and culture in general. Now harder to find time, and force myself to teach her. Therefore, over the years, and what he knew - forgotten.
In fact, nothing prevents. Abstract knowledge of the language, but you can always explore. Historically, almost all speak Russian. The family also all use only the Russian language. Serious mp4 converter obstacles in the application of "mother tongue" mp4 converter can not see. Would desire.
Why I do not speak your language? First, if I may say so, the state itself has decided for us what language we should speak, back in 1996, besides now most textbooks and literature in general is published in Russian. Moreover, the constitution mp4 converter of the Republic of Belarus in Russian printed. Second, the majority of Belarusians speak Russian, and many of those who do not understand the "native" language. And I do not want to be misunderstood or look strange in the eyes of others. I know very well the Belarusian language and abroad (Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Lithuania) talking to her.
Belarusian language no longer exists. This fudge nationalists! Bogey Belarusian revival. Historically, there were two languages: Russian and Polish. But seriously, Belarus mp4 converter - Russian is the same on which walked polish mp4 converter boots. Therefore, Belorussians - invented nation. There were two opposite poles: West (Polish) and east (Russian). And Belarus was the struggle of the Polish mp4 converter and Russian culture, the result of which was the production of Russia.
I think because all taught from childhood to converse in Russian, and everything they say in Russian - this all goes. Another effect is that when you go somewhere on vacation in another country, if it is a country of the CIS - all you will speak Russian. And in the same Turkey or Egypt - some people will understand you only Russian or English, German, well, but not on Belarus.
In the native language prevents me from talking a small vocabulary. At my school, all the items through fifth grade inclusive taught in Belarusian - I talked to her for free, as well as in Russian - difficulties were encountered. Gradually, I stopped reading the Belarusian-books and I became more difficult to generate the detailed statements of the Belarusian language. However, I have laid the foundation, and I'm sure I can return within 2-3 months your level of proficiency mp4 converter - intends to do so in the near future!
First, the lack of knowledge of their native language, although it is clear that it would be much better if I talked to her. Secondly, what I do not understand my friends, because our language, so to speak, mp4 converter "is not quoted." I am not against the mother tongue, but it "is mp4 converter not quoted."
First of all, ignorance of the native language. Too few hours of learning of the Belarusian language in school. And too little training. The lack of unity of the people and the desire to use only one of the Belarusian mp4 converter language. People here do not realize that in Belarus need to talk in the Belarusian language, if it is native.
Generally, I do not speak Belarusian, because I do not know the extent of her to use as conversational. Questions prestige and stuff actually secondary. mp4 converter I do not know how to fix it. Personally, I book in Belarusian last time I read in school, and no longer pulls, and then did not feel great satisfaction. And closer to me Russian.
The problem is that Belarus has long been under the influence of strong Russification. People impose the idea that Belarus - English countryside, that it is not associated with high culture and has no gistoryi. In fact, the Belarusian language has a long history, it was a major in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. She wrote and spoke the famous figures of Belarusian history and culture, and we should mp4 converter be proud of it! I think Belarusians need more acquainted with the past of their country, its culture and history. Just so we understand that the best - this is his. And in this sense it plays a major role.
Might ask is: Why Belarusians do not identify themselves with the Belarusian culture and language? Because after the partition of Poland for a minute did not stop the struggle between mp4 converter the West Russian and national ideas, bringing the idea of the National Belarusian managed almost destroyed. Language we have destroyed almost to the ground. From her almost nothing left. Ideology zapadnorusizma strongly rooted

Saturday, March 15, 2014

On concerns irrigators responds to land 12 Schuchintsy Navagrudak acted adequately spelling on the

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On concerns irrigators responds to land 12 Schuchintsy Navagrudak acted adequately spelling on the route 11 - 11 autoshop a gift from the factory workers - a festive mood 11 "In Rakavitskay school will be the most modern equipment" 10 MG Cyril: "I spelling will always support a person spelling if his demands were legitimate" All 10 - to the national work day! 9 As a "human rights defender" Bialiatski built himself a beautiful life 9 Ready called trails 6 Warning: spelling "direct line"! 6
Why 1 week 1 day ago This once strong and 1 week 2 days ago 2013 1 week 4 days ago, residents do not trust the police 1 week 5 days ago I would like to read the 2 weeks 5 days ago The offense 3 weeks 4 days ago City small, everyone knows each other. 3 weeks 4 days ago deduction method 3 weeks 4 days ago MPMK-167 3 weeks 4 days ago criminal case 3 weeks 4 days ago
This year, as every year, the winners spelling on Schuchinschine district competition among entities, groups of production units, village councils and individual employees for achieving high performance spelling in labor and socio-cultural development. Of the best bands we mentioned in this issue in the room dedicated to the gathering of production leaders. spelling A publication of the best in the profession, which named 24 workers in various sectors of the economy of the region, we offer you the heading "Name the Portrait Gallery." This year it opens VA Savashynski foreman subsidiary "Shchuchin MPMK-166" Grodno regional design and construction of production unitary enterprise "Grodnooblselstroy." Viktor works in the construction industry for almost ten years. Specializes, spelling as he defined his activity on rural construction. Dairy complex "Gurnofel", "Bakshty", "Day", "Zhilichi", "Pretsima" built in our area, erected spelling his team. As some of the objects in Novogrudsky area, the company spelling "Mastoudreu."
- In MPMK-166 I came to work, concrete worker - says Viktor. - Already in the first year, and that was in the construction of ITC "Gurnofel" I was appointed foreman concrete workers, spelling and after a while, and the foreman of construction and installation works. Team management, which employs 50-80 people, not so simple. But I was lucky in this respect: the years of my work in a team formed the core of a reliable, responsible workers, professionals with closed eyes can cope with the most complex spelling building work. In general, I want to say that people in our team are able to work and do it with desire. And yet, it is the ability of workers spelling to consider the foreman, to assess their ability depends largely on the success of the common spelling cause. Team leader assigned to them coordinate their work at their sites, monitor the quality. - We have gone through different times - says Viktor. spelling - Speaking about the construction industry in general, I think that five-year period of 2005-2010 was the most fruitful in terms of the construction of housing spelling and general construction. If we analyze our work on the construction of a dairy complex, we can confidently say that in recent spelling years has reduced construction time. This is due to the modernization of production, spelling which pays great attention to CEO "Grodnooblselstroy" GC Collateral. Arguing about the features of the construction spelling industry, Viktor noticed that in recent years a priority spelling not only the quality of construction works. Customers now are not eliminated from the construction of the facility, and take in this process involved. If there is a need for improvement & s

Friday, March 14, 2014

Video Catholic Budslau Pages Video Election 2014 History Sanctuary of Our Lady of Budslau Tales Yea

Happy advanced workers! | "Narochanskaya dawn": Myadel, Narač, Svir, Budsłaŭ, Kryvičy
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Dear workers and residents Myadelschiny! We sincerely congratulate you on the occasion of advanced workers! Become a tradition each year to summarize the work of all sectors of national economy area. It is a solemn moment how to draw a rose to express my gratitude to the people who are making a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the region.
Many thanks to the best teams and their employees - from the ordinary worker to the head. High professionalism, honest relationship to assigned work, a clear technological discipline, implementation of best practices from one year to contribute to the sustainable development of the region.
We are grateful to the social workers. Organized system of work of teachers, doctors, workers of culture and sport - the basis of many victories in various competitions, Olympiads, competitions. Warmest refer Myadelschiny builders, to help build new houses and industrial complexes.
We express our gratitude and appreciation to our distinguished veterans who have worked selflessly for the welfare of the residents of the Lake District. Members of the older generation - not only gold fund Myadelschiny, but our entire country.
Recent comments Oleg: the right information. Leonid Kravchenok how to draw a rose clear: Super Dreaming of a catch to Paul Misuno Ivan Malko - my cousin straight Leonid Kravchenok: Well this issue remember Leonid Kravchenok himself: He worked at this school were Leonid Kravchenok: Landscapes our amazing, Honoria

Thursday, March 13, 2014

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