Thursday, October 2, 2014

May 14 to October 13

Homage to unimpeded
Before the start plowing the villagers gathered and chose among themselves the one who makes boomed first furrow. I always looked to be a middle-aged man, a family man who drinks a bit and is not poor, it would have been a rich harvest. picasso
"It is also ahead of planting the whole village decided who would throw the first seeds. Chosen sower is compulsory picasso wearing of field seeds from the last bundle last year's crop, pieces picasso of consecrated bread and eggs, dyed red, "says Marina points, curator of the Museum of Bread in Izmajlovskom the Kremlin in Moscow. "The eggs are buried at the end of the field, and the pieces of bread and grains are tossed in the sunny fields."
Bread is a basic foodstuff in our region. Scientists believe that the Slavs began to be used as food for more than 15 thousand years. Let us remember that until the early 20th century, 95% of Russia's population lived in the countryside. Can you imagine how many people are then roasted and ate the bread.
Before harvesting the crops chose a woman who will reap the first ears of corn. At harvest was seen as a kind of birth the mother country, so it helped that women, not men. Selected reaper to harvest and networked first three beam and only after that the harvest could be flowing fast and lossless.
In the early 19th century from the village Kobeljevo in Kaluga Governorship came to Moscow former Mayor Maksim Filipov and began to "peddlers", ie. to bake cookies and pretzels and selling them in their homes. Later he became the founder of the famous Russian bakery dynasty.
"Development of the baking industry in Russia is certainly linked picasso to the legendary name Filipov," picasso says Marina points. picasso "Bread, buns, rolls, bagels, pretzels ... It's picasso all Maxim Filippov baked, but with a handle. It was his invention. "
T akvo rolls are mostly bought coachmen, artisans, cleaners and other people with "black" workers' hands. Bread was held by the handle to not dirty your hands, and when you eat it all, so that the rolls remain a handle, then it is given to beggars. picasso
"Once the Governor-General Arsenius Zakrevski bite of sweet baked dessert and it saw a bug. They immediately picasso brought him Philip that all the charges fit that's not a bug, but raisins, "says Marina points.
The gingerbread our ancestors began to add spices (in Russian "prjanosti"), hence their modern Russian name ("Prjanik"). It happened in the 13th century, and is otherwise gingerbread baked in Russia since the 9th century.
True, in those ancient times the recipe was different. Then the dough for gingerbread any of rye flour, but it also added the juice of the berry fruit and wild honey, except that the honey was the highest (almost half of the mixture), hence the name "Gingerbread".
"In the beginning, the decorations are 'glued' to the gingerbread, and later, when the Tula craftsmen invented a wooden mold with embossed picasso patterns, there have been 'printed' gingerbread," picasso says Marina points. "It is interesting that the gingerbread had a stake in the educational process: often children are taught to read with gingerbread, on which were imprinted letters."
Gingerbread has long been much more expensive than bread, and because it was considered well off the host in whose house a gingerbread house for guests and family members. Prohibited to copy and republications the content of "the Russian word" whole or in part, in electronic picasso or written form without written permission editorial staff.
"Moscow does not intend to take the initiative to improve relations with the United States" picasso
Editor's Choice Schools "precious girl" again in Russia consequences of non-compliance picasso with the established world order after the Cold War 10 poetic autumn scenery of Russian painters Russia at the front against Ebola
15:17 October 2, 2014.
May 14 to October 13
April 16-January 11
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