Friday, May 15, 2015

Daughter of famous photographer Alina Davidova Samara recently declared itself as a bright artist i

Daughter of famous photographer Alina Davidova Samara recently declared itself as a bright artist in pop art style. She was only twenty, her judgment full of extremism, but heredity and brightest own talent can be seen immediately.
A year ago, I ordered a portrait, and I suffered for a long time, writing paint tool sai ... Although I call it painting, writing still larger picture.
- A year ago I was commissioned portrait, and I suffered for a long time, writing ... Although I call it painting, writing still larger picture. So, order a portrait, I tried to write it on the canvas, paint tool sai on paper, paint tool sai I could not. I then created his own style: a little bit of Lichtenstein, Warhol bit from a bit of color photography (pointing to the iPhone). And this picture has collected paint tool sai a lot of fans on the Internet. Even Kirill Khokhlov, which I respect as an illustrator, praised her ...
- He has hair like that! I can never draw such! And then I created a series of portraits of single-family homes. It is pleasant to all, and even critics praised some artistic as my dad said. The girl I drew, shows a portrait of the designer, the designer paint tool sai said that I am a good colorist - and all! Flattery, praise! (Laughs)
- I had a creative crisis, I analyze their creativity and realize that it's just written under the influence of public opinion. What is now in vogue, and I drew. So I broke it, and that it is meaningless by itself. paint tool sai I plan to repaint it, but without color transitions.
- No sale itself reprehensible, but the desire to expose yourself to other cooler. He has a very mediocre work. They, of course, perfectly rendered, spelled out, but they have such a cheap ... screaming.
- And you had the time of their opposition to themselves?
- I like Milan Kundera, even though his work is just hits the spot. Especially "Immortality" like him. I like Shakespeare - tragedy paint tool sai and comedy, sonnets I have not yet read. Dostoevsky very much, his gloomy atmosphere, but through it I know myself. paint tool sai
- A lot has changed in me has changed in Russia. The atmosphere ... For a drop in self-esteem ... I also love ... I really like Philip Pullman's trilogy 'His Dark Materials. " There and written a children's book for adults hearts. Hemingway. "The Old Man and the Sea." I really liked the struggle of man against the elements, surpassing its features.
- Creative ceiling - the whole world. I recently had an argument with a young man who has long been flagged up to me and he started: yes, you want to live in California, so anything you do not succeed! Just want to answer: shut up, I will succeed!
- Yes. In general, I would like to have your house in the mountains, is - glass, concrete, wood. I see several options for development. Or I paint when I get well get paint here and it's all sold overseas, or even in Moscow, then I continue to draw. Either I would like to work for Google or to Apple, either on Marvel. I'd love to do special effects.
- I quoted the Impressionists. I am very grateful to my dad that he was in the Pushkin Museum and saw the portrait of the actress Jeanne Samary-Auguste Renoir. I stood in front of it for about fifteen minutes, and even shed a few tears. She is so keen eyes! And it looks like my vision of the world.
... In fact, if I do my show in Samara, it will be one of the highlights of the city! Even sketches Picasso and Dali any impression on me is not produced. And, I think, bright, juicy work on the background of the boil-white walls - it will shock people!

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