Saturday, April 26, 2014

First of all you must be very clear about the theme of your site, such as going to work, what audie

Creating a website is a relatively simple task to perform for an expert on the subject, when a learner scenery wants to take on the task either because they want to make room for your business or simply write a blog should scenery consider several scenery factors. Learn here a little about how to make a website. If you are an engineer, developer, scenery designer or even a company or client, this information will be useful.
Do not despair, one of the first things you'll need to make a website is patience. Here I will not tell you step by step how to make a website, just let me advise that you should keep in mind that you should get inputs for your website is not a failure. Information architecture in web pages
First of all you must be very clear about the theme of your site, such as going to work, what audience will be addressed, what type of content is going to be and how it will be structured. For this there is a specialized field called Information Architecture, which basically give you the foundation needed to begin building what will be your successful website.
After having a clarity thanks to the architecture of information, you must have your hands on a Wireframe and Blueprint (A design without colors and a conceptual site map, respectively), along with an inventory of contents, here begins to get good , and we can choose what platform and if you want to develop a custom template or buy a clip. After choosing which domain and hosting Colombia. scenery
Well here comes the choice of the domain, which will be permanently the name of your page. You should think very carefully what you buy domain, if one with your brand or something more practical for SEO. I recommend finding a balance between both or definitely go for your brand.
Then comes the hosting of your website Colombia and wonder what hosting company Colombia offers me a balance between price / earnings? The answer is very easy, none that offers you limited on space and bandwidth, scenery much less with ip's and virtualized servers with shared accounts plans, do not know if you're going to run into your neighbor in the hosting Colombia is a page of adult entertainment. Basically, "what you pay".
After having a mounted platform (this can be a WordPress, Joomla, Drupal or whatever fits you easier), you should start assembling your content and remember that the quality of the content and structure of your site will be successful same. Recommendations to make a website When the sitemap prevents tag your menus with generic words like "we", "About Us", scenery "Contact", etc ... Let your content are optimized for positioning on search engines using words keys and chords to the theme in the future generate decent traffic Use large images: the websites in this rely heavily on graphic and iconography. Banks fail to give free images category to your web site Use predesigned templates to lower monetary costs and time Do not violate copyrights by copying images and content not use background sounds not use Flash If you are an entrepreneur and have your webmaster charge, give him some freedom and seeks to provide scenery the right amount of content in an orderly manner, your webmaster may not be able to write. Being a designer or engineer did not automatically make machines make web pages, although if this is necessary comprehensiveness, this requires much effort and study. A website is not cheap and there are no ways to save costs. If you pay little by little a website get it. That their websites are of quality and try to get ideas of content and design across trends, specialized teams developing cutting-edge websites. Consider scenery the usability and accessibility of your site when You develop your website is compatible with mobile devices through the responsive designs
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Hello, I came by accident to your post, although it is true that the structure is important, and hosting too, more than anything is the support that should provide a good hosting provider, in my case I used some plans Hostdime Colombia and has been great to me. Something also important, is to use the domain. Co to our advantage in SEO. Thanks for the article kitten xO
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