Saturday, April 19, 2014

I try not to look for inspiration on the web as much as you can, because it results in similar tren

5th If you could choose any other job or profession, what would it be and why?
I've always been torn between the artistic, technical and humanistic branches. At 18 I was still convinced that I would be a programmer. I'm interested in the development of new technologies, and teaching or therapeutic work with people, astronomy ...
I try not to look for inspiration on the web as much as you can, because it results in similar trends and styles. But that did not address, such as DeviantArt, CGSociety and mi3dot to show me what's possible, I would not be where I am now.
When I can no longer look at him, ha ha. I have a problem with assessing when something is done, I can pick up on something unconscious. Once I get back the old paper and finishing it or decide to make from scratch with new information. When it comes to the web there is never particularly clear boundaries because the website live, grow and develop.
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